It’s been a while. Warning: it will be fraught with self indulgent crap. As some of you

Cheddar and Hobbes in better times. When Cheddars died, he was about a year and a half old. Hobbes and I really miss him.
know, I was in the hospital recently. I guess I was in there about 11 days. Three days before I went to ER, I had some sashimi from a place near my house. Later that day, I thought it was food poisoning and that it would clear up on its own. By the end of the week, I wasn’t getting any better so I went to the Sibley ER. They put an IJ in my neck and admitted me. Basically, any minor digestive problem has the ability to grow into something ridiculous. I have been h0me over a week but eating is a challenge and I hate it. So first, I feel crappy. Then I get some sympathy cards for Cheddar, who died in December.
I am going to nip this in the bud, stay in, watch Hotel Rwanda and cry my eyes out. Maybe that will make me feel better.
I really miss you, Cheddar. You were one of the best cats ever.
If anyone has advice about having a memorial for a cat, I have to have one. Need suggestions, advice, whatever.