We All Need a Distraction

This is the least intellectual thing you will read this week and I am sorry.  Personally, this has been an amazingly rough week for me.  But then we have the news.  Anthony Weiner.  Ariel Castro.  Beyonce’s new haircut!  It’s been chaos.  Chaos!  So I went back to where the internet made sense: cute videos of cats doin’ stuff.  And you need to watch this.  Really, you do.

Oh, South Carolina…



Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina, seen...

Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina, seen here as a U.S. Congressman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Oh, South Carolina…


Mark Sanford is back and he’s running for Congress.  Remember him?  He’s the one who told everyone he was going to hike the Appalachian Trail but was really in Argentina with his soul mate mistress.