Flickr – Furryscaly – Not a Hypnotoad (Photo credit: Wikipedia) This has no connection to my post but WordPress thinks it is.
Note: I showed my scans and the report to someone. I do not have a tumor or cyst. I still need a CT to rule out some scary options but the things that were causing my panic attack yesterday are off the table.
I dare you to try it. For the next five minutes, don’t think about bears.
Hard to do isn’t it? The minute someone tells you not to think of something, that’s all you want to think about. At least that’s how it works with me.
If you think it’s hard to not think about bears, try that exercise with brain tumors. That’s been my challenge since yesterday. Last week I had an MRI (with and without contrast) and MRA (same) done on my brain. The initial report was that the MRI was normal but the MRA too unclear so more testing needs to be done. Then I got a call from my neurologist. She said in her message that it was “critically important” that she speak with me. When we talked she said she saw something on the MRA that “probably isn’t a tumor” but more testing needs to be done. I am getting a CT angiogram next week.
Someone told me, “Just don’t think about it.”
Yeah, that’s going to work.